Tag: Teachers

Useful Advice for our teacher!

This is my writing for “useful advice for teachers”.  Something I’m really proud about is the effort I put into my spelling.

My advice for my teacher is to give us less homework for weekends, because it would be awesome for us to get some free time at home and get sleep so in the morning we could come to school bright and shiny. My other advice for my teacher is that when we are at school sometimes in the morning we could do MORE sports! Even volleyball, Or a game of silent ball. 

I would love it if you would give us more time to have maybe only 10 minutes of free time outside before school! It would give us some time to get our head in the right place to actually learn with you and understand you more when we have our heads in the right place in school.! If we had that it would make our brain’s work more harder ahaha, So then we could work harder on our work AND listen to you so we could finish our work in time! Advice for you in the afternoon is for YOU to give us some time for our time outside a little more so we could come back inside thinking “ WE CAN DO IT! “ And you won’t worry about us. Me and my classmates I’m sure would love it if you would actually let us eat our food when we are working because food helps us work harder aha, It would help us so much because some of us don’t eat much at home, Or just don’t eat at ALL. So they would feel neither hungry nor mad! Some of us get REALLY hungry when we are doing our work, I’m sure everyone would like it if we had some time to eat and THEN we go out to play! 

Giving our teacher advice..